Sunday, March 31, 2013

Syria and the Chemical Weapons Hoax

March 31, 2013 (Corbett Report)

James Corbett of joins Gary Franchi of WHDT9 on the Next News Network to discuss recent reports of chemical weapons attacks in Syria. They also talk about the new so-called Syrian Prime Minister-in-exile, the possibility of war in the region, and the implications of the government-media nexus.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

US-Saudi Funded Terrorists Sowing Chaos in Pakistan

Baluchistan, Pakistan - long target of Western geopolitical interests, terror wave coincides with Gwadar Port handover to China.

Originally Published: February 18, 2013 (LD) - Quetta, the capital of Pakistan's southwest Baluchistan province, bordering both US-occupied Afghanistan as well as Iran, was the site of a grisly market bombing that has killed over 80 people. According to reports, the terrorist group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi has claimed responsibility for the attack. Billed as a "Sunni extremist group," it instead fits the pattern of global terrorism sponsored by the US, Israel, and their Arab partners Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

The terrorist Lashkar-e-Jhangvi group was in fact created, according to the BBC, to counter Iran's Islamic Revolution in the 1980's, and is still active today. Considering the openly admitted US-Israeli-Saudi plot to use Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups across the Middle East to counter Iran's influence, it begs the question whether these same interests are funding terrorism in Pakistan to not only counter Iranian-sympathetic Pakistani communities, but to undermine and destabilize Pakistan itself.

Storyful - Niche Propagandists Work Full-Time Distorting Syria Conflict

March 24, 2013 (LD) - The Western media monopolies, the same media houses that willfully and repeatedly told lies regarding "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq to help sell the corporate-financier engineered invasion and occupation of the Middle Eastern nation for a decade, have been very busy since. They helped sell NATO and its corporate-financier backers' war of aggression and subjugation against Libya, and has been attempting to sell a repeat of the atrocities committed in North Africa, this time in Syria.

They certainly have their hands full. With the emergence of social media and the US State Department's overt attempts at co-opting it to execute its geopolitical agenda, it would be very helpful if there were entire companies dedicated to trawling Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter to supply the Western media houses with prepackaged, filtered content designed specifically to help them bolster their predetermined, biased, self-serving conclusions.

One such company indeed exists. Called, "Storyful," it claims on its website that:

Storyful is the first news agency of the social media age. We help newsrooms find the most valuable content on the social web.
Image: A screenshot of Storyful's website as of March 23, 2013. Storyful is a niche propaganda organization which supplies the Western media monopolies with filtered, prepackaged biased accounts of world events - including of the ongoing Syria crisis (archived here). It boasts that it's content, trawled from across the Internet's various social media platforms, is cited 10's of thousands of times across the Western media.

US' New "Syrian PM" Yet Another Muslim Brotherhood Extremist

March 19, 2013 (LD) - The Western media eagerly announced that long time US resident Ghassan Hitto was chosen as the new "interim prime minister" of NATO's proxy forces fighting in Syria. While most headlines attempted to focus solely on Hitto's long stay in the US and his role in a tech firm based in Texas, The Globe and Mail reported in their article, "Canadian loses bid to lead Syria's rebels; Ottawa's stance assailed," that:
Ghassan Hitto, a Kurd with links to the Muslim Brotherhood, was elected in the early hours of Tuesday at a meeting of leading opposition figures of the Syrian National Coalition.
Some reports indicate that Hitto was in fact pushed forward specifically by the Muslim Brotherhood. The AFP reported in their article, "Ghassan Hitto voted premier of Syria's rebel territory," that:
Some Coalition members described Hitto as a consensus candidate pleasing both the opposition's Islamist and liberal factions.

But some of the 70-odd Coalition members withdrew from the consultations before the vote could take place, accusing opposition heavyweight Muslim Brotherhood of imposing Hitto as a candidate.

Syria teeters on Obama’s “Red Line”

March 23, 2013 (Nile Bowie) - The pages of history tell us that beautiful civilizations emerged and prospered in the ancient cities of Damascus and Aleppo, some of the oldest continually inhabited cities on earth. The harrowing circus of brutality that is the Syrian conflict, now in its third year, will soil and blacken those pages indefinitely. No matter the political outcome of this horrible war, a once tolerant and diverse state has been shattered and terror itself has eaten into the destiny of Syria’s people, inexorably changing the courses of their lives forever. Children have been orphaned; parents have faced the loss of their children – and by uncompromising means. Infants have been beheaded, the fates of innocent men and women have been sealed through summary executions, and families have been torn apart or destroyed all together. Recent developments in Syria are alarming.

Spokesmen of the Assad government recently accused foreign-backed militants of launching scud missiles containing chemical weapons in the city of Aleppo, killing dozens. Witnesses claim to have seen powder emanate from the rocket, causing those who inhaled the substance to suffocate or require immediate medical attention. An unnamed chemical weapons expert cited by Al-Jazeera claimed that the causalities were not consistent with Syria’s reputed stockpile of chemical agents, stating, “If it’s a chemical warfare agent, it’s not working very well.” Syria’s ambassador to the UN, Bashar Ja'afari, called on the UN Secretary-General to form an independent technical mission to investigate the use of chemical weapons by terrorist groups operating in Syria.

Friday, March 8, 2013

US-British Al Qaeda Airlift: 3,000 Tons of Weapons Fuel Syria's Destruction

March 9, 2013 (LD) - The primary reason, we are told, that the West must immediately begin wider operations to support the so-called Syrian rebels, is to head off extremists, namely Al Qaeda, from overrunning Syria. This narrative has been sold for nearly a year now, as it has become evidently clear that all major offensives in Syria against the Syrian people and their government have been led by Al Qaeda terrorist fronts, including most notoriously, Jabhat al-Nusra.

It turns out, however, according the London Telegraph, that the US and Britain have already been arming terrorists operating in Syria for some time, including a massive airlift of 3,000 tons of weapons, sent across Syria's borders with Jordan and NATO-member Turkey. In the Telegraph's article titled, "US and Europe in 'major airlift of arms to Syrian rebels through Zagreb'," it is reported:
It claimed 3,000 tons of weapons dating back to the former Yugoslavia have been sent in 75 planeloads from Zagreb airport to the rebels, largely via Jordan since November
The story confirmed the origins of ex-Yugoslav weapons seen in growing numbers in rebel hands in online videos, as described last month by The Daily Telegraph and other newspapers, but suggests far bigger quantities than previously suspected.
The shipments were allegedly paid for by Saudi Arabia at the bidding of the United States, with assistance on supplying the weapons organised through Turkey and Jordan, Syria's neighbours. But the report added that as well as from Croatia, weapons came "from several other European countries including Britain", without specifying if they were British-supplied or British-procured arms.
British military advisers however are known to be operating in countries bordering Syria alongside French and Americans, offering training to rebel leaders and former Syrian army officers. The Americans are also believed to be providing training on securing chemical weapons sites inside Syria.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

West's Legitimacy Collapses as it Props up Hostage-Taking Terrorists

March 8, 2013 (IOGSD-Cartalucci) - The so-called "Syrian rebels" have taken dozens of UN peacekeepers hostage, demanding the Syrian Army withdraw its troops from its own nation's territory. The UN has confirmed that their peacekeepers are indeed being held hostage by what they call "rebels," and has demanded their release.

Image: Several of over 20 UN peacekeepers taken hostage by terrorists operating in Syria - operating with Western cash, arms, and immense, continuous political and media support. The inability of the West to condemn and recognize the so-called "rebels" as intolerable terrorists, ravaging an entire nation, inflicting death, injury and suffering upon tens of millions, is indicative of a West that has resigned entirely its legitimacy, and even feigned interest in the impartial application of international law. Worst of all, the West had purposefully planned this orgy of terror since 2007, not for promoting "democracy," but specifically to undermine and destroy neighboring Iran. 

Despite this overt, criminal act of terrorism directed at the UN, the West has spun, downplayed, and otherwise ignored the incident, an incident that had the Syrian Army been behind, would have invoked howling indignation, frothing condemnation, and in all likelihood, full-scale military intervention.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

UK Seeks to Further Fund, Arm Al Qaeda Collaborator Moaz al-Khatib

March 4, 2013 (LD) - Resorting to name-calling, the United Kingdom's legitimacy slumped further still as it stubbornly maintained its support for terrorists attempting to overthrow the Syrian government, now unsuccessfully for over 2 years. Unlike in Libya where NATO was able to militarily intervene directly and overthrow the Libyan government before the public realized the so-called "rebels" were in fact the US State Department, United Nations, and the UK Home Office (page 5, .pdf)-listed Al Qaeda terrorist organization, the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), the West's assault on Syria has dragged on much longer.

Image: (left to right) Foreign Secretary William Hague, US Secretary of State John Kerry, and the Al Qaeda-coddling Moaz al-Khatib, are all, by US criminal code, providing material support to terrorist organizations, more specifically, Al Qaeda. Hague has even expressed a desire to directly arm these terrorists.

So long in fact, that the entire world is now acutely aware of the so-called "rebels," their overt affiliations and membership amongst Al Qaeda, the serial atrocities they've committed, and the draconian, barbaric sectarian (and quite "undemocratic") rule they plan on imposing, already on display in northern Syria where extremist cleric, Moaz al-Khatib, designated by the West as the "opposition leader," recently visited.